March 1, 2020

Residential Painting Contractors Share 3 Cabinet Colors to Breathe New Life Into Interiors

Investing in a complete home remodel can be expensive and time-consuming, which is why the residential painting contractors at Genesis Pro Painting in Bedford Hills, NY, recommend putting an interior painting project on your to-do list instead. They know changing the color of walls and permanent installations can make the home look cleaner, larger, and more inviting. If you’re considering splashing a new hue on cabinetry, below are the house painters’ top picks for the year.

Top 3 Colors Residential Painting Contractors Recommend for Cabinetry in 2018

1. Greige

As the name might suggest, greige is a mixture of gray and beige, which is steadily gaining popularity as a cabinet fixture color. The neutral pigment works well in most kitchens, as it’s able to evoke a casual vibe or more formal feel when paired with different appliances and room decor. If the space has a cool color scheme, the gray in the paint will stand out. The beige takes center stage on cabinets with gold hardware and rooms with warm accents.

2. Navy Blue

If you want to add bold color to cabinetry, opt for navy blue. Unlike other vibrant hues, the cabinet color will make a statement without pulling focus from the rest of the space. Blue evokes a sense of calm, so the color is perfect for bathroom cabinetry. If the home kitchen is often bustling with activity, the addition of navy blue will help bring about a tranquil vibe.

3. Dark Purple

Although dark purple is often used as an accent color, the rich pigment is gaining ground as a cabinet color this year. Purple is often associated with royalty, so choosing to splash cabinets in the hue could make modest fixtures look like luxury installations. The color complements gray in kitchen appliances and white in bathroom tiling.

Although choosing to update cabinet color yourself is an option, you are guaranteed professional results when work is left to the skilled, residential painting contractors at Genesis Pro Painting. To schedule an exterior or interior painting service appointment in Westchester County or the neighboring areas, call (914) 579-2110 today. A representative will answer questions. Visit the residential painting contractors online to see a portfolio of their work.

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