November 21, 2019

5 Important Tips for Removing Wallpaper

 Do your walls need a paint job or a new style of wallpaper? Stuck-on wallpaper can be a tough roadblock to reinventing your space, but with step-by-step guidance, a wallpaper removal DIY project can be done. To help, we’ve listed a few tips for successful wallpaper removal.

Five Tips for removing wallpaper

Prevent water damage

 Stubborn wallpaper will take a lot of water to loosen the material and completely remove it from the surface. Homeowners should prepare for the mess by adequately covering the floors with drop cloths or plastic, and creating a barrier against baseboards with thick tape, just as you would to prepare for painting. To prevent harmful electrical issues, we also recommend covering any electrical outlets and vents.

Inspect a small corner first

The wallpaper in the corners of your walls will likely be the easiest to remove with a sharp tool. A strippable wallpaper, for example, is easy to remove and can be done by simply tearing the paper in long pieces. However, if your walls are covered in multiple layers of wallpaper, this may be a more time-consuming project than expected, and worth hiring a professional contractor.

Reveal the backing

 The facing of your wallpaper is a thin, outer layer, which features your wallpaper’s design. This should be easy to remove with a knife, revealing the backing, which is the adherent, inner layer of your wallpaper.

Apply hot water

The backing of your wallpaper will likely require an addition of moisture to soften the paper and its adherent. Applying hot water and allow it to soak for 10-20 minutes before attempting wallpaper removal. This should help you when scrapping it off with a metal spatula or similar tool.

Steam the surface

If you are not able to remove the facing of your wallpaper, you will need to try a more aggressive wallpaper removal method. By penetrating the paper with a metal fork, you will be able to soak the entire surface in water or stripping chemicals, making wallpaper removal easier. If your wallpaper is not responding to any of these treatments, you may need to use a steamer to loosen the material. This is, however, a dangerous tool, and is not recommended for amateurs.

If you have to use a chemical stripper or can only work in small sections, consider hiring a professional. Want the best results for wallpaper removal in Westchester County? Call us today at 1(800) PAINTING to get a free estimate for professional wallpaper removal!

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