November 28, 2016

Painting Your Ceiling: Should You Go Basic or Bold?

There was once a time when most people did not even consider painting their ceilings but instead left it to be in their natural state. More and more, however, people are painting their ceilings in a variety of colors, but how do you know which color will work best in your home? When you paint your ceiling, should you go with a basic color like white or beige, or should you instead choose bold colors such as pink, blue, or gold? There are many things to take into consideration when deciding on the perfect color for your ceiling. While personal preference is one of the most important considerations, there are several other factors to consider that can help you make this all-important decision.

Important Considerations

The following considerations must be taken into account when deciding on a ceiling color:

  • Consider the light source in the room. If the light source is strong, it can bounce off the ceiling and produce certain results, which you may or may not want. For instance, light bouncing off a red ceiling can produce a rich glow, while light that bounces off colors such as blue and pink usually leaves the room feeling more airy and light.
  • Consider the type of paint you are using. Although ceiling paints are usually flat paints, using satin or eggshell finishes can create a reflective sheen. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but too much of a sheen can cause any imperfections in your ceiling to be magnified and more noticeable.
  • Consider the walls before you paint. If you use a lighter color on your ceiling, the walls will feel as though they are higher. Darker colors can make the walls seem lower, which sometimes produces a more intimate feel.
  • Consider how long you will want to look at the color you have chosen for your ceiling. Brighter colors are more bold and attractive, but unless you intend to repaint regularly, they may also become tiresome and boring relatively soon.

Naturally, the only way to make a decision regarding the right type of paint is to first consider your personal preferences and tastes, but the above considerations are important points to keep in mind before you begin to paint your ceiling.

Consider All of Your Options

When choosing a ceiling color, you can always forget about the rules and go against the grain by taking into consideration only what you think might look good in that particular room. For instance, instead of using basic white when painting your ceiling, try unique colors such as light pink, tan, sky blue, peach, and yellow. Also, you do not necessarily have to paint the ceiling a different color than your walls, as many people nowadays are choosing to paint their ceilings and their walls the same color. Lighter colors will, of course, make a room look bigger, so in smaller rooms, it is always best not to use colors that are too dark. Again, personal preferences are important and should always be given top consideration when deciding on the best color for the ceilings in your home.

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